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Getting comfortable with social media

For a long time, I was content to let others take the lead. That's why I love being a psychologist. It's never about ME, it's about the clients. I love that. There's safety in that.

But this book deserves a spotlight, and in order to do that, I have to be comfortable promoting it. I am not the kind of person who seeks the limelight. I live a quiet life, a reader's life. I love to garden. I care about bees and people. I like Oscar award winning movies and trash reality tv. I speak softly and I don't like attention because I blush easily.

The Furious Others deserves to be read. That requires me to step out of my comfort zone and to start being vocal. I'm doing the work! It's not natural for me, but I can do hard things. All it takes is a bit of grit, time, and energy (plus a tougher outer layer).

It's worth it for this book. Who knows? There may come a day when I actually enjoy the marketing/attention aspect. I doubt it. But stranger things have happened. :)

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